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About Us

Welcome to the San Andreas Fire Department, the steadfast guardian of safety across the State of San Andreas, including both Blaine County and Los Santos. With a network of nine strategically positioned fire stations covering approximately 30 square miles, we provide 24/7 services extending beyond traditional fire suppression and rescue operations. Our dedicated team specializes in technical rescue, hazardous materials response, urban search and rescue, maritime response, lifeguard services, forestry management, fire prevention and investigation, and operates our own Air Operations division. Committed to preserving life and property, every member of the San Andreas Fire Department embodies the values of courage, compassion, and unwavering service to our diverse and vibrant communities.

Mission Statement
safeguard life, property, and the environment by delivering exceptional and inventive services, engaging in proactive prevention measures, reducing community risks, and upholding unwavering professionalism."

San Andreas Fire Department Subdivisions

The San Andreas Fire Department comprises several highly specialized subdivisions dedicated to working and training tirelessly to serve the citizens of San Andreas. Whether engaging in technical rescues, conducting arson investigations, or battling wildland fires, we offer roles to match every firefighter's interests.

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Chain of Command

Fire Chief (Car 1)

Deputy Fire Chief (Car 2)

Assistant Fire Chief (Car 3)

EMS Chief (Car 4)



Safety Officer

Special Operations

Special Ops. and Rescues (SOR)

Water Rescue Director

MedFlight Coordinator

Forestry Fire Division (FFD)

Fire Marshal's Office

State Fire Marshal (FM-1)

Deputy Fire Marshal (FM-2)

Assistant Fire Marshal (FM-3)